12 Days of Parrotness

For the past few days we have been sharing stories of various birds via Facebook. As there have been just a few to many glitches and issues trying to upload photos, and the content is one long running paragraph we will now continue this via our website. Watch for a daily post!

12 Days of Parrotness

Day 1 – “Seymore”

A resilient quaker with a will to live.. This story is based around a little green Quaker parrot named Seymore. This bundle of “quakertude” came into my life 7 years ago – at the very beginning of Birdline, but he is not a rescue. How he came to join our family is as special as he is. In late August I woke up to find my beloved cockatiel “Sunny” had passed away, she had died of egg binding, a medical issue I am now well versed in but was rather naïve in my understanding of it at that time.

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