Birdline is a 100% self supporting Non Profit Charity and we greatly appreciate any and all donations.
Your gracious support helps us continue to help the many parrots in need of help and we could not do this without you.
Gift cards are also welcome and greatly appreciated for the purchase of food/toys and misc items.
If you wish to support Birdline with a monetary gift, please click the button below and it will take you to the secure paypal site.
We greatly appreciate and thank all those who have donated so generously with gifts of toys,cages and cash donations!!
We are not able to provide taxable receipts at this time.
We have a healthy baby budgie, his/her name is Avocado, who hatched on April 1.
We are looking for a nice family to adopt him/her (we do not know yet if it is a male or a female). Do you receive requests from people to adopt birds?
Thank you,
I have a bird cage that I don’ need are you accepting donations?
I live in Calgary my parrot Rocky passed away I would like to donate his cage. Where can I do this?
We wanted to tell you what a great job you guys are doing for all birds!! We just lost our beautiful Green Cheek Conure “Pepper” and we were looking for a place to donate that helps birds who need homes. They are such sweet affectionate loving creatures and we miss her very much!!
We are sending you a small donation. My daughter (and our family really) loves parrots, and for her birthday this year, she asked her guests to bring cash – half to pool together for her own use, and the other half to donate to you! We hope it can help a little. Bless you for the wonderful work you do with these wonderful feathered friends.
I would like to donate some money to Birdline Parrot Rescue. I don’t do pay pal etc. Can you give me an address where I can mail a donation to you? Thanks
Bonnie Caywood
403 995 0216