Flock of Budgies looking for a new family and FOUND a new family!

This is group of budgies located in Lethbridge AB has found a new family!! The information provided below is from their current owner – they are not currently Birdline birds and we cannot verify age/gender or medical. Please contact the owner directly via email to inquire about them further.
These are my budgies left to right:
Lime (Female 1.5 years old)
BB short for Blueberry (Female 1 year old)
Skye (Male just under one year)
Lemon (Female 1.5 years old, same clutch as Lime).
Coconut (Female just under one year old)
BB, Skye and Coconut all came from PetSmart, so I am not 100% sure about their ages. But they were young when I got them which is within a year.
They all get along really well. They would come with the flight cage and all the accessories. I could also provide some food and bottom of the cage paper as well.
They used to fly and land on my arm/hand and eat millet, however I have not been able to spend that time with them for months now. I am sure overtime they would trust someone else like they did with me.
I also have access to a van to transport them to their new home. Providing it is within the Lethbridge area only.