Buddy – Sulpher Crested Cockatoo
Buddy has found a new home! Thanks for your interest in Buddy!
Buddy is NOT a Birdline parrot. Please contact the owner to discuss Buddy’s adoption.
Buddy’s profile provided from the owner
Buddy well be a 6 year old sulfur crested cockatoo in February. He is very friendly provided you are not scared of him. He does scream a couple time’s a day or if you are ignoring him. He is very needy but all cockatoos are. He is on a diet of large breed zeepreem parrot pellets (fruity blend) he was on a nut and seed diet before and I changed him over to pellets. Zeepreem was the only one he would except. He eats fruits and veggies everyday. Banana being his favorite fruit and peas being his favorite veggie. I give him untreated wood from the building center as a chew. It’s in a 4″ x 4″ block and he turned that into dust in about week. He has an avian uv light above his cage during the day. In the summer he does come outside with me (he has an outdoor aviary we relax in. He is not fold of small birds but handles larger ones just find. If you yell at him he will fly over to you and show you who is boss. Just a sturn “no” will get him to stop. He dances like crazy to most music. He spends a minimum of 5 hours a day out of his cage but needs to be supervised or your house will be munched into saw dust.
I have a 54 year old dbl yellow headed Amazon
He is a great bird but he gets lonely for attention from his own kind my cousin has a macaw and he used to play with him. But I have moved and don’t see him anymore
Does lizzy get along with other parrots
I am not scared of any parrot as I have met some very aggressive ones They are just misunderstood lol
Hi Brian.
Please email or call Preston directly for any questions regarding Buddy.
Preston Davies
Preston_bat24@hotmail.com. cell number 403 740 3570