2019 Calendars are now in!

2019 marks a pivotal year for Birdline.
We are in our 10th official year of conception! Its amazing how fast the years have gone, it feels like yesterday since the very first bird came through the doors.
Our calendar this year represents many of the birds who have touched our lives and shares with you the passion and commitment we have for these feathered friends.
Each and every one of them is a true blessing.
We are using etransfer instead of paypal as paypal takes a fee for each transaction.
Calendars are 25.00 and you can send the etransfer to: anna@birdline.ca Calendars will be mailed out same day or hand delivered depending on your area in Calgary.
Thank you for your support over the past 10 years, we couldn’t do what we do without it!!
Calendars will also be available at the Calgary Avian and Exotic Pet Clinic. 100% of all funds raised will go directly into the vet fund for the Birdline birds.
We do have a limited amount of them, so please ensure you order yours today!